Test Your Knowledge With This Taylor Swift Lyric Quiz

Are You a Taylor Swift Superfan?

Do you know every single Taylor Swift song by heart? Have you been following her career since the very beginning? Consider yourself a true Swiftie? Well, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with this Taylor Swift lyric quiz!

Taylor Swift has been making waves in the music industry for over a decade now. From her country roots to her pop princess persona, she has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world with her catchy tunes and relatable lyrics. But how well do you really know her songs? Let's find out!

Test Your Knowledge With This Taylor Swift Lyric Quiz

In this quiz, we'll be testing your knowledge of Taylor Swift's lyrics from some of her biggest hits. We'll throw in a few tricky ones to keep you on your toes, so make sure you're paying attention. Get ready to prove that you're a true Taylor Swift superfan!

Question 1: You Belong with Me
Finish the lyric: She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts, She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the ________.

A) Sidelines
B) Bleachers
C) Bench
D) Field

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If you answered B) Bleachers, then congratulations! You're off to a great start. This iconic line from Taylor's hit song You Belong with Me perfectly captures the feeling of longing and unrequited love.

Question 2: Love Story
What are the next lyrics in the song after Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone?

A) I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is run
B) I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is find
C) I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is hide
D) I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is climb

The correct answer is A) I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is run. Taylor Swift's modern twist on the classic love story of Romeo and Juliet has become a fan favorite over the years.

Question 3: Shake It Off
Which lyric comes after Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play?

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A) And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
B) And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
C) And the lovers gonna love, love, love, love, love
D) And the dreamers gonna dream, dream, dream, dream, dream

If you chose A) And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, then you're on a roll! Shake It Off is the ultimate anthem for brushing off negativity and staying true to yourself.

Question 4: Blank Space
What is the next lyric in the song after Got a long list of ex-lovers?

A) They'll tell you I'm insane
B) They'll tell you I'm a game
C) They'll tell you I'm in pain
D) They'll tell you I'm to blame

The correct answer is A) They'll tell you I'm insane. Blank Space showcases Taylor's clever songwriting and satirical take on her own reputation in the media.

Question 5: Bad Blood
Which lyric follows Band-aids don't fix bullet holes?

A) You say sorry just for show
B) You say sorry I'm a joke
C) You say sorry like I'm mope
D) You say sorry and I'll cope

If you picked A) You say sorry just for show, then you're definitely a Taylor Swift superfan! Bad Blood is a fierce anthem about betrayal and standing up for yourself.

How did you do on the Taylor Swift lyric quiz? Are you truly a superfan or do you need to brush up on your knowledge of her songs? Whether you aced it or missed a few, one thing is for sure – Taylor Swift's music has a way of captivating fans of all ages and backgrounds. Keep jamming out to her catchy tunes and relatable lyrics, and who knows, maybe you'll become an even bigger Swiftie in the process!

Put Your Lyrics Knowledge to the Test!

Are you a true Taylor Swift superfan? Do you know every single lyric to every single one of her songs? Well, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with this Taylor Swift lyric quiz! Get ready to challenge yourself and see just how well you know the queen of pop herself.

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1. He said the way my blue eyes shined / Put those Georgia stars to shame that night
– Can you finish the lyrics to this iconic song? If you know that it's I said that's a lie, then congratulations! You're off to a great start.

2. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
– Do you recognize these lyrics from one of Taylor's most romantic songs? If you know that it's I was enchanted to meet you, then you're definitely a Swiftie through and through.

3. I'm shining like fireworks / Over your sad, empty town
– Can you complete the lyrics to this powerful anthem? If you know that it's And you'll be sorry that you let me go, then you're on fire with your Taylor Swift knowledge!

4. The ties were black, the lies were white / And shades of gray in candlelight
– Do you know which song these mysterious lyrics are from? If you can finish it with I wanted to leave him, I needed a reason, then you're on your way to acing this lyric quiz.

5. I'm shining like a fireworks over your sad, empty town
– Finish these lyrics from one of Taylor's most empowering songs with And you'll be sorry that you let me go. If you got it right, then you're definitely a true Swiftie.

6. The rest of the world was black and white / But we were in screaming color
– Can you complete these whimsical lyrics from a fan-favorite Taylor Swift song? If you know that it's And I remember thinking, then you're proving that you know your Taylor Swift lyrics inside and out.

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7. Long live all the mountains we moved / I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
– Can you finish the lyrics to this nostalgic song? If you know that it's I was screaming long live that look on your face, then you're showing off your Swiftie skills.

8. I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
– Do you recognize these heartfelt lyrics from one of Taylor's most emotional songs? If you know that it's Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you, then you're definitely a true Taylor Swift fan.

9. The lights are so bright but they never blind me
– Can you complete these empowering lyrics from a Taylor Swift anthem? If you can finish it with Me, I'm the one who gets to, then you're proving that you're a dedicated Swiftie.

10. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now
– Finish these heartbreaking lyrics from a classic Taylor Swift song with This is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less. If you got it right, then you're definitely a Taylor Swift lyrics expert.

So, how did you do on this Taylor Swift lyric quiz? Did you ace it with flying colors, or did you stumble on a few tricky lines? Whether you're a diehard Swiftie or just a casual fan, testing your knowledge of Taylor Swift's iconic lyrics is always a fun way to celebrate her incredible music. Keep listening, keep singing along, and keep proving that you're a true Taylor Swift superfan!

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